Welcome to
San Diego Occupational Therapy
We are a child-centered pediatric clinic offering Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Physical Therapy services to the greater San Diego region.
6264 Ferris Square, San Diego, CA 92121
We Specialize in Intensive Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Physical Therapy
Pediatric Occupational Therapy is a profession concerned with promoting a child’s health and well-being through occupation. A child’s occupation is to learn, grow, develop, and to play! Therapeutic activities may include physical play such as jumping, climbing and fine motor tasks such as buttoning, getting dressed, feeding, and writing. Some children have difficulty meeting their age appropriate developmental skills, and may need some help to achieve these skills that propel them into adulthood.
We provide services that support and promote the achievement of a child’s independence and overall development. We believe in a team approach with all of the families we work with – emphasizing effective communication with parents and individualized strategies for home to carry over all of the gains we make within treatment.

Ways We Can Help
Our pediatric occupational therapists provide evaluation, intervention and consultation in the following areas:
- Fine Motor/Handwriting Skill Development
- Play and Socialization
- Sensory Integration, Sensory Diets, and Home Programs
- Feeding and Oral Motor Needs, Picky Feeders and Food Avoidance
- Self Help Skills & Activities of Daily Living
- Environmental Adaptations for Home and School Settings
- Assessment and Treatment including Interactive Metronome, Therapeutic Listening, The Listening Program, and the Integrated Listening System (iLs)
- Visual Motor and Visual Perceptual Skills
- Strength and Endurance
We Love What We Do
Our pediatric occupational, speech, and physical therapists help children develop the skills to perform the tasks of their everyday lives using creative methods to motivate the children and to ensure their experience at San Diego Occupational Therapy is successful and enjoyable! We value our relationships with caregivers, teachers and physicians, and realize that collaboration is essential to create effective carry-over from the clinic to home and school.
At San Diego Occupational Therapy, we help children develop necessary skills so that their transition into adulthood becomes a path to an independent and rewarding life.

Areas of Expertise
Sensory Integration
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Executive Functions and Self-Regulation
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Gross Motor Skills
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Feeding Therapy
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Ocular Motor and Visual Perception
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Fine Motor Skills
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Social Skills
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Motor Planning and Praxis
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What Our Customers are Saying About Us

San Diego Occupational Therapy, Inc.
6264 Ferris Square
San Diego, CA 92121
Please contact us to schedule your complimentary 15 minute telephone consultation.