Specialty Certifications

We are dedicated to providing a variety of proven treatment protocols to our patients.  One or more members of our staff have certifications in the following programs:

Myofunctional Therapy

Integrated Listening System (iLs) is a multi-sensory program for improving brain function. It is an enjoyable activity, or “exercise,” which can be customized for all ages and skill levels for implementation in clinic, school or home.  Click: Integrated Listening System to learn more.

Therapeutic Listening is an auditory intervention that was developed by Sheila M. Frick, OTR.  Sheila Frick incorporated ideas and technology created by Alfred Tomatis, Guy Berard, and Ingo Steinbach into a sensory integrative frame of reference to develop the Therapeutic Listening Program. Therapeutic Listening uses organized sound based technology to impact the nervous system.  Click: Therapeutic Listening to learn more.

Interactive Metronome – IM is an assessment and treatment tool used in therapy to improve the neurological processes of motor planning, sequencing and processing. The IM program provides a structured, goal-oriented process that challenges the patient to synchronize a range of hand and foot exercises to a precise computer-generated reference tone heard through headphones.  Click: Interactive Metronome to learn more.

The Listening Program – The Listening Program’s psycho-acoustically modified music and patent-pending production techniques are designed to stimulate, or “exercise” the different functions of the auditory processing system. This enables the brain to better receive, process, store and utilize the valuable information provided through the varied soundscapes in our lives such as music, language and the environment in which we live.  Click: The Listening Program to learn more.

Sensory Integration and Praxis Test – The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, also known as the SIPT is a collection of 17 tests that are designed to test various aspects of sensory processing. The test is designed for use with children between the ages of 4 years through 8 years 11 months. Click: Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT) to learn more.

The Wilbarger / Therapeutic Brushing Protocol (Wilbarger, 1991) – is a specific, professionally guided treatment regime designed to reduce sensory defensiveness. The Wilbarger Protocol has its origins in sensory integration theory, and it has evolved through clinical use.  Click: Wilbarger Protocol to learn more.

Handwriting Without Tears was developed by an occupational therapist, Jan Olson. Handwriting Without Tears is a multi-sensory curriculum for writing readiness, printing, and cursive. In addition, The Print Tool is a handwriting assessment that focuses on eight key components of handwriting for students age six and older. Results from The Print Tool are used to design an individualized remediation plan for each student.  Click: Handwriting Without Tears to learn more.

The First Strokes Multi-Sensory Handwriting Program was designed by an occupational therapist to teach print handwriting of lower and upper case letters on a multi-sensory basis. Children first learn how to write letters using large, gross-motor techniques, then practice writing letters using pencil and paper. This is a fun way to practice handwriting, and most of the time children are ready and willing to learn. Some writing activities include the use of shaving cream, window markers, flashlights, Gak, and many other fun ways to learn how to write letters. For older children, general writing topics with longer writing assignments are also used. The general writing assignments are fun and children enjoy participating in them.  Some of the techniques used in The First Strokes Multi-Sensory Handwriting Program can be adapted to fit other print programs as well as cursive writing. Click: First Strokes Multi-Sensory Handwriting Program to learn more.

For more information on any of our specialty certifications, please contact us.